Yes, Thanos was right
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Getting out of the theater after watching Endgame I was unable to accept what I'd seen. There was a ton of display, incredible minutes that we had been sitting tight for since the primary Vindicators (Cap and Mjolnir, Avengers Assemble, and so forth.) However I'm seconds ago coming to understand the key significance this film has.
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Thanos was right.
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His entire reason for existing was to freed all planets of the approaching fate that the issue of overpopulation brings us. In Endgame we see a lot. Cap reveals to Natasha that when he was out for a walk, the water at the docks were a lot of cleaner on the grounds that there were less vessels. Tony Stark, the man who, up until this film couldn't quit stressing over the approaching dangers, is currently so loosened up that he has a quiet life with his wife other and daughter in a home away from the city.
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